
This page is a translated version of the page 死ぬのがいいわ and the translation is 100% complete.
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Shinunoga E-Wa
リリースMay 20, 2020
規格Digital / Download / CD Albums
レーベルHEHN RECORDS / Universal Music
Shinunoga E-Wa - YouTube
  1. Nan-Nan
  2. Mo-Eh-Wa
  3. Yasashisa
  4. Cause It's Endless
  5. Tsumi No Kaori
  6. Cho Si Noccha Te
  7. Tokuninai
  8. Shinunoga E-wa
  9. Kazeyo
  10. SAYONARA Baby
  11. Kaerou
Shinunoga E-wa
Fujii Kaze - "Shinunoga E-wa" Live at Nippon Budokan (2020)

Shinunoga E-Wa (しぬがいいわ) is a song by FujiiKaze on his album HELP EVER HURT NEVER. It was released on May 20, 2020 by HEHN RECORDS / Universal Music.


Youtube Live "HELP EVER HURT NEVER Listening Party on May 18, 2020 (LiveStream)[1]", he called the song "It's crazy unique song". In the same stream, he released the song on

After moving to Tokyo, the phrase I'd rather die than say goodbye to you like this came down on my way home from shopping.

I thought the lyrics and melody were very Showa, but thanks to the combination of modern trap-style beats, it became an exquisitely interesting and unique song, I'm very satisfied, 言うてますけどmore.

He said.

It has not been released as a single CD.

Suddenly it's a hot topic overseas

It was released in 2020, but has been spreading overseas, especially in Thailand, since late July 2022[2].

In August 2022, Fujii Kaze also mentioned the spread in Thailand on Twitter[3].

I think "Shinunoga E-wa" is spreading through tiktoks and stuff in Thailand.(^o^)v
I'm so happy that it's my personal favorite song ^_^.

Besides Thailand, the song was confirmed to spread virally on Spotify to Vietnam and Malaysia, and in late August it began to rank in Spotify's Daily Top Songs in various Asian countries. It also started to rank in the Japanese charts as a reimportation[4] [5].

In addition to Thailand, the number of views increased mainly in Asia, and the number of views on YouTube counted more than 10.96 million[6].

On September 9, 2022, it ranked at number 176 on Spotify's Weekly Top Songs Global (2022September 2 - 8) for the first time due to its global spread[7].We can confirm that playback on Spotify is spreading across the globe.


  • 「It ranked No.1 on the Spotify Japan Rapid Ascending Chart (as of September 7)[8].
  • It ranked at #176 on the Spotify Weekly Top Songs Global (September 2 - 8, 2022)[7] for the first time.
  • It ranked 97th in Apple Music Weekly Song Ranking (August 29, 2022 - September 4, 2022)[9].
    • It ranked at No.54 in Apple Music Weekly Song Ranking (Period: September 5, 2022 - September 11, 2022)[10].
  • It ranked No. 15 on the Billboard JAPAN Chart "TikTok Weekly Top 20"[11].
  • Ranked No.64 on the Billboard JAPAN Chart "Streaming Songs Aggregate Flash Report Top 100" (Period: August 22, 2022 - August 28, 2022)[12].
  • It was ranked No.1 in GeniusCharts "Genius HOT TOP 100". English translation also charted at No.9 at the same time[13].

Thoughts on this song

Fujii Kaze in an interview with MUSICA about "Shinunoga E-Wa"

I think this song is very strong as a song, and I'm also doing something new with it. ...... When I get that balance right, it's very satisfying, so I really like "Shinunoga E-Wa".

He says that even Fujii who says that he doesn't listen to his own music much listens to it a lot.[14]


Personally, I feel that Japanese R&B with the power to win over the masses has been around since Utada Hikaru. The song I thought was particularly great on this album was "I'd Rather Die". The lyric and melody of the part "I'd rather have you than three meals / I'd rather say goodbye to you like this / I'd rather die" is really great. I was really fascinated by the fact that such a love song existed. The lyrics are straightforward, but it's not straightforward at all. On the other hand, the sound is not straight, but it sounds straight. This gap gap. They're supposed to have a lot of weapons, but they look so clean and uncluttered, it's like, where the hell are they hiding their weapons? It's like, "Where in the world are you hiding your weapons? It's really strange. I can't do it, and I admire it.


Live Video

Following the buzz overseas, a hastily released performance of NAN NAN SHOW 2020 at Nippon Budokan was released.


藤井 風 - "死ぬのがいいわ" Live at 日本武道館 (2020)

  • Published: Aug 23, 2022


  1. Fujii Kaze - "HELP EVER HURT NEVER" Listening Party (LiveStream) - On "Youtube
  2. #藤井風 さんの「#死ぬのがいいわ」がタイのSpotify Viral 50 の7位に初ランクイン🇹🇭‼️”. 2022年9月9日閲覧。
  3. タイで"死ぬのがいいわ"がtiktokとかで広がってくれてるみたい(^o^)v”. 2022年8月31日閲覧。
  4. Shinunoga E-wa 8/12付 タイ 🥇 ベトナム 🥈 マレーシア 36位”. 2022年9月9日閲覧。
  5. Shinunoga E-wa Japan🇯🇵185位🆕✨ Thailand🇹🇭37位↓(36) Malaysia🇲🇾 73位↓(69) Vietnam🇻🇳154位↑(159) Singapore🇸🇬 91位↓(78) Indonesia🇮🇩 144位↑(151)”. 2022年9月閲覧。
  6. Shinunoga E-Wa”. Fujii Kaze. 2022年8月31日閲覧。
  7. 7.0 7.1 “Believer” by Imagine Dragons has been on Top Songs Global the longest, at 292 weeks straight.”. Fujii Kaze. 2022年9月9日閲覧。176 NEW Track image 死ぬのがいいわ Fujii Kaze 176 — 1 6,166,191
  8. Apple Music 週間ソング・ランキング 8月29日 – 9月4日(2022) 最新ヒット曲ランキング”. Tunecore. 2022年9月7日閲覧。

    97 – 死ぬのがいいわ 藤井風

  9. Apple Music 週間ソング・ランキング 9月5日 – 9月11日(2022) 最新ヒット曲ランキング”. Tunecore. 2022年9月14日閲覧。

    54 – 死ぬのがいいわ 藤井風

  10. 【TikTok人気曲】Billboard JAPANチャート「TikTok Weekly Top 20」”. Billboard JAPAN. 2022年9月1日閲覧。(集計期間:2022年8月22日~8月31日)
  11. 【先ヨミ・デジタル】Ado「新時代」まだまだストリーミング首位独走中 藤井 風「死ぬのがいいわ」速報トップ100に初登場」”. Billboard JAPAN. 2022年9月3日閲覧。

    トップ10圏外では、64位に藤井 風「死ぬのがいいわ」が初の速報トップ100入り。同曲は藤井 風が2020年にリリースした1stアルバム『HELP EVER HURT NEVER』 の収録曲で、TikTokでは7月下旬から8月にかけてタイを中心に本楽曲を使った動画が急増。Spotifyでも東南アジア各国のバイラルチャートの上位にチャートインした。その反響を受け、8月23日にはYouTubeの藤井 風オフィシャルチャンネルにてライブ映像が公開され、日本でも逆輸入的に注目を集めている

  12. MUSICA(ムジカ) 2022年 05月号 雑誌 – 2022/4/15 p.49”. FACT. 2022年8月31日閲覧。
  13. 「新しい時代が来た」とうなる藤井風の曲(川谷絵音)”. 日経エンタテイメント. 2022年9月4日閲覧。