![]() | このLuaモジュールは300,000以上のページで使われています。 余計な混乱やサーバーへの負荷を避けるために、どんな変更でも最初はモジュールのサンドボックス・サブページ、テストケース・サブページで試すべきです。そうすれば、試した変更を1度の編集でこのモジュールに加えることができます。しかし、最初にあなたの提案した変更を、この項目のノートで議論するようにお願いします。 |
![]() | このモジュールは保護されています。このモジュールは非常に多くのページで使用されています。荒らしまたは過失によって多くのページが影響を受け、また些細な編集でもサーバーに多大な負荷をかけるため、編集保護されています。 |
引数 | 内容 | 既定値 | 説明 |
ignore_errors | エラー無視 | なし |
error_category | エラーカテゴリ | Category:モジュールStringのエラー | エラーがあるときのCategory:追跡カテゴリ名を指定する |
no_category | カテゴリ付与 | なし |
引数 | 内容 | 既定値 | 説明 |
s | 文字列 | なし | 対象の文字列 |
{{#invoke:String|len| abcdefghi }}
→ 11{{#invoke:String|len|s= abcdefghi }}
→ 9
引数 | 内容 | 既定値 | 説明 |
s | 文字列 | なし | 元の文字列 |
i | 開始位置 | 1 | 抜き出す初めの文字の位置 |
j | 終了位置 | -1 | 抜き出す最後の文字の位置 |
"{{#invoke:String|sub| abcdefghi }}"
→ " abcdefghi ""{{#invoke:String|sub|s= abcdefghi }}"
→ "abcdefghi""{{#invoke:String|sub| abcdefghi | 3 }}"
→ "bcdefghi ""{{#invoke:String|sub|s= abcdefghi |i= 3 }}"
→ "cdefghi""{{#invoke:String|sub| abcdefghi | 3 | 4 }}"
→ "bc""{{#invoke:String|sub|s= abcdefghi |i= 3 |j= 4 }}"
→ "cd"
この関数は{{Str sub}}を実装しており、Str subのような古いテンプレートを維持するために残されています。文字列から指定された部分の文字列を抜き出して返します。
引数 | 内容 | 既定値 | 説明 |
s | 文字列 | なし | 元の文字列 |
i | 開始位置 | 1 | 抜き出す初めの文字の位置。1文字目は"0"を指定します |
len | 長さ | 元の文字列の長さ | 抜き出す文字列の長さ |
{{#invoke:String|sublength|s= abcdefghi }}
→ abcdefghi{{#invoke:String|sublength|s= abcdefghi |i= 3 }}
→ defghi{{#invoke:String|sublength|s= abcdefghi |i= 3 |len= 4 }}
→ defg
引数 | 内容 | 既定値 | 説明 |
s | 文字列 | なし | 検索対象の文字列 |
pattern | パターン | なし | 検索する文字列パターン |
start | 検索開始位置 | 1 | 検索を開始する文字の位置 |
match | 一致番号 | 1 | 検索開始位置から何番目の一致箇所を返すか |
plain | プレーンフラグ | false |
nomatch | エラー出力 | なし | 何もマッチしなかったときに返す文字列 何も指定しないとエラーを返す(既定) |
Luaパターンの詳細はScribunto patternsとScribunto Unicode string patternsをご参照ください。
{{#invoke:String|match| abc123def456 |%d+}}
→ 123{{#invoke:String|match|s= abc123def456 |pattern= %d+ }}
→ 123{{#invoke:String|match| abc123def456 |%d+|6}}
→ 23{{#invoke:String|match|s= abc123def456 |pattern= %d+ |start= 6 }}
→ 3{{#invoke:String|match|s= abc123def456 |pattern= %d+ |start= 6 |match= 2 }}
→ 456{{#invoke:String|match|s= abc123%d+ |pattern= %d+ }}
→ 123{{#invoke:String|match|s= abc123%d+ |pattern= %d+ |plain= true }}
→ %d+{{#invoke:String|match|s= abc |pattern= %d }}
→ モジュールStringのエラー: Match not found{{#invoke:String|match|s= abc |pattern= %d |nomatch= No numeric characters in string }}
→ No numeric characters in string
引数 | 内容 | 既定値 | 説明 |
target | 文字列 | なし | 検索対象の文字列 |
pos | 位置 | なし | 返す文字の位置 |
{{#invoke:String|pos| abcdefghi | 4 }}
→ c{{#invoke:String|pos|target= abcdefghi |pos= 4 }}
→ d
この関数は{{Str find}}を実装します。この関数が提供されるのは既存のテンプレートを維持するためであり、新しいコードやテンプレートには推奨されません。新しいコードには代わりにfind関数を使用してください。"source"の文字列の中から"target"のパターンを検索し、その位置を返します。パターンが見つからない場合は-1を返します。
{{#invoke:String|str_find| abc123def }}
→ 1{{#invoke:String|str_find|source= abc123def }}
→ 1{{#invoke:String|str_find| abc123def |123}}
→ 5{{#invoke:String|str_find|source= abc123def |target= 123 }}
→ 4
引数 | 内容 | 既定値 | 説明 |
source | 文字列 | なし | 検索対象の文字列 |
target | パターン | なし | 検索する文字列パターン |
start | 検索開始位置 | 1 | 検索を開始する文字の位置 |
plain | プレーンフラグ | true |
{{#invoke:String|find| abc123def }}
→ 0{{#invoke:String|find|source= abc123def }}
→ 0{{#invoke:String|find| abc123def |123}}
→ 5{{#invoke:String|find|source= abc123def |target= 123 }}
→ 4{{#invoke:String|find| abc123def |%d|3|false}}
→ 5{{#invoke:String|find|source= abc123def |target= %d |start= 3 |plain= false }}
→ 4
引数 | 内容 | 既定値 | 説明 |
source | 文字列 | なし | 対象の文字列 |
pattern | パターン | なし | 置換される文字列パターン |
replace | 置換文字列 | なし | 置換する文字列 何も指定しないとパターンを削除する(既定) |
count | 置換回数 | なし | 置換する回数 何も指定しないと可能な箇所すべてを置換する(既定) |
plain | プレーンフラグ | true |
"{{#invoke:String|replace| abc123def456 |123|N}}"
→ " abcNdef456 ""{{#invoke:String|replace|source= abc123def456 |pattern= 123 |replace= N }}"
→ "abcNdef456""{{#invoke:String|replace| abc123def456 |%d+|N|1|false}}"
→ " abcNdef456 ""{{#invoke:String|replace|source= abc123def456 |pattern= %d+ |replace= N |count=1 |plain= false }}"
→ "abcNdef456""{{#invoke:String|replace|source= abc123def456 |pattern= %d+ |replace= N |plain= false }}"
→ "abcNdefN"
引数 | 内容 | 既定値 | 説明 |
source | 文字列 | なし | 対象の文字列 |
count | 繰り返し回数 | なし | 対象の文字列を繰り返す回数 |
→ "hellohellohello""{{#invoke:String|rep| hello | 3 }}"
→ " hello hello hello "
- モジュール:String2 - ほかの文字列処理用関数
- モジュール:StringFunc
- モジュール:Ustring
- mw:Extension:Scribunto/Lua reference manual#Ustring library - 使用しているメタ関数
- mw:Extension:Scribunto/Lua reference manual#Patterns - Luaパターン
- mw:Extension:Scribunto/Lua reference manual#Ustring_patterns - UTF-8関連の正規表現
--[[ This module is intended to provide access to basic string functions. Most of the functions provided here can be invoked with named parameters, unnamed parameters, or a mixture. If named parameters are used, Mediawiki will automatically remove any leading or trailing whitespace from the parameter. Depending on the intended use, it may be advantageous to either preserve or remove such whitespace. Global options ignore_errors: If set to 'true' or 1, any error condition will result in an empty string being returned rather than an error message. error_category: If an error occurs, specifies the name of a category to include with the error message. The default category is [Category:モジュールStringのエラー]. no_category: If set to 'true' or 1, no category will be added if an error is generated. Unit tests for this module are available at Module:String/tests. ]] local str = {} --[[ len This function returns the length of the target string. Usage: {{#invoke:String|len|target_string|}} OR {{#invoke:String|len|s=target_string}} Parameters s: The string whose length to report If invoked using named parameters, Mediawiki will automatically remove any leading or trailing whitespace from the target string. ]] function str.len( frame ) local new_args = str._getParameters( frame.args, {'s'} ) local s = new_args['s'] or '' return mw.ustring.len( s ) end --[[ sub This function returns a substring of the target string at specified indices. Usage: {{#invoke:String|sub|target_string|start_index|end_index}} OR {{#invoke:String|sub|s=target_string|i=start_index|j=end_index}} Parameters s: The string to return a subset of i: The fist index of the substring to return, defaults to 1. j: The last index of the string to return, defaults to the last character. The first character of the string is assigned an index of 1. If either i or j is a negative value, it is interpreted the same as selecting a character by counting from the end of the string. Hence, a value of -1 is the same as selecting the last character of the string. If the requested indices are out of range for the given string, an error is reported. ]] function str.sub( frame ) local new_args = str._getParameters( frame.args, { 's', 'i', 'j' } ) local s = new_args['s'] or '' local i = tonumber( new_args['i'] ) or 1 local j = tonumber( new_args['j'] ) or -1 local len = mw.ustring.len( s ) -- Convert negatives for range checking if i < 0 then i = len + i + 1 end if j < 0 then j = len + j + 1 end if i > len or j > len or i < 1 or j < 1 then return str._error( 'String subset index out of range' ) end if j < i then return str._error( 'String subset indices out of order' ) end return mw.ustring.sub( s, i, j ) end --[[ This function implements that features of {{str sub old}} and is kept in order to maintain these older templates. ]] function str.sublength( frame ) local i = tonumber( frame.args.i ) or 0 local len = tonumber( frame.args.len ) return mw.ustring.sub( frame.args.s, i + 1, len and ( i + len ) ) end --[[ _match This function returns a substring from the source string that matches a specified pattern. It is exported for use in other modules Usage: strmatch = require("Module:String")._match sresult = strmatch( s, pattern, start, match, plain, nomatch ) Parameters s: The string to search pattern: The pattern or string to find within the string start: The index within the source string to start the search. The first character of the string has index 1. Defaults to 1. match: In some cases it may be possible to make multiple matches on a single string. This specifies which match to return, where the first match is match= 1. If a negative number is specified then a match is returned counting from the last match. Hence match = -1 is the same as requesting the last match. Defaults to 1. plain: A flag indicating that the pattern should be understood as plain text. Defaults to false. nomatch: If no match is found, output the "nomatch" value rather than an error. For information on constructing Lua patterns, a form of [regular expression], see: * http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#5.4.1 * http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Scribunto/Lua_reference_manual#Patterns * http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Scribunto/Lua_reference_manual#Ustring_patterns ]] -- This sub-routine is exported for use in other modules function str._match( s, pattern, start, match_index, plain_flag, nomatch ) if s == '' then return str._error( 'Target string is empty' ) end if pattern == '' then return str._error( 'Pattern string is empty' ) end start = tonumber(start) or 1 if math.abs(start) < 1 or math.abs(start) > mw.ustring.len( s ) then return str._error( 'Requested start is out of range' ) end if match_index == 0 then return str._error( 'Match index is out of range' ) end if plain_flag then pattern = str._escapePattern( pattern ) end local result if match_index == 1 then -- Find first match is simple case result = mw.ustring.match( s, pattern, start ) else if start > 1 then s = mw.ustring.sub( s, start ) end local iterator = mw.ustring.gmatch(s, pattern) if match_index > 0 then -- Forward search for w in iterator do match_index = match_index - 1 if match_index == 0 then result = w break end end else -- Reverse search local result_table = {} local count = 1 for w in iterator do result_table[count] = w count = count + 1 end result = result_table[ count + match_index ] end end if result == nil then if nomatch == nil then return str._error( 'Match not found' ) else return nomatch end else return result end end --[[ match This function returns a substring from the source string that matches a specified pattern. Usage: {{#invoke:String|match|source_string|pattern_string|start_index|match_number|plain_flag|nomatch_output}} OR {{#invoke:String|match|s=source_string|pattern=pattern_string|start=start_index |match=match_number|plain=plain_flag|nomatch=nomatch_output}} Parameters s: The string to search pattern: The pattern or string to find within the string start: The index within the source string to start the search. The first character of the string has index 1. Defaults to 1. match: In some cases it may be possible to make multiple matches on a single string. This specifies which match to return, where the first match is match= 1. If a negative number is specified then a match is returned counting from the last match. Hence match = -1 is the same as requesting the last match. Defaults to 1. plain: A flag indicating that the pattern should be understood as plain text. Defaults to false. nomatch: If no match is found, output the "nomatch" value rather than an error. If invoked using named parameters, Mediawiki will automatically remove any leading or trailing whitespace from each string. In some circumstances this is desirable, in other cases one may want to preserve the whitespace. If the match_number or start_index are out of range for the string being queried, then this function generates an error. An error is also generated if no match is found. If one adds the parameter ignore_errors=true, then the error will be suppressed and an empty string will be returned on any failure. For information on constructing Lua patterns, a form of [regular expression], see: * http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#5.4.1 * http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Scribunto/Lua_reference_manual#Patterns * http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Scribunto/Lua_reference_manual#Ustring_patterns ]] -- This is the entry point for #invoke:String|match function str.match( frame ) local new_args = str._getParameters( frame.args, {'s', 'pattern', 'start', 'match', 'plain', 'nomatch'} ) local s = new_args['s'] or '' local start = tonumber( new_args['start'] ) or 1 local plain_flag = str._getBoolean( new_args['plain'] or false ) local pattern = new_args['pattern'] or '' local match_index = math.floor( tonumber(new_args['match']) or 1 ) local nomatch = new_args['nomatch'] return str._match( s, pattern, start, match_index, plain_flag, nomatch ) end --[[ pos This function returns a single character from the target string at position pos. Usage: {{#invoke:String|pos|target_string|index_value}} OR {{#invoke:String|pos|target=target_string|pos=index_value}} Parameters target: The string to search pos: The index for the character to return If invoked using named parameters, Mediawiki will automatically remove any leading or trailing whitespace from the target string. In some circumstances this is desirable, in other cases one may want to preserve the whitespace. The first character has an index value of 1. If one requests a negative value, this function will select a character by counting backwards from the end of the string. In other words pos = -1 is the same as asking for the last character. A requested value of zero, or a value greater than the length of the string returns an error. ]] function str.pos( frame ) local new_args = str._getParameters( frame.args, {'target', 'pos'} ) local target_str = new_args['target'] or '' local pos = tonumber( new_args['pos'] ) or 0 if pos == 0 or math.abs(pos) > mw.ustring.len( target_str ) then return str._error( 'String index out of range' ) end return mw.ustring.sub( target_str, pos, pos ) end --[[ str_find This function duplicates the behavior of {{str_find}}, including all of its quirks. This is provided in order to support existing templates, but is NOT RECOMMENDED for new code and templates. New code is recommended to use the "find" function instead. Returns the first index in "source" that is a match to "target". Indexing is 1-based, and the function returns -1 if the "target" string is not present in "source". Important Note: If the "target" string is empty / missing, this function returns a value of "1", which is generally unexpected behavior, and must be accounted for separatetly. ]] function str.str_find( frame ) local new_args = str._getParameters( frame.args, {'source', 'target'} ) local source_str = new_args['source'] or '' local target_str = new_args['target'] or '' if target_str == '' then return 1 end local start = mw.ustring.find( source_str, target_str, 1, true ) if start == nil then start = -1 end return start end --[[ find This function allows one to search for a target string or pattern within another string. Usage: {{#invoke:String|find|source_str|target_string|start_index|plain_flag}} OR {{#invoke:String|find|source=source_str|target=target_str|start=start_index|plain=plain_flag}} Parameters source: The string to search target: The string or pattern to find within source start: The index within the source string to start the search, defaults to 1 plain: Boolean flag indicating that target should be understood as plain text and not as a Lua style regular expression, defaults to true If invoked using named parameters, Mediawiki will automatically remove any leading or trailing whitespace from the parameter. In some circumstances this is desirable, in other cases one may want to preserve the whitespace. This function returns the first index >= "start" where "target" can be found within "source". Indices are 1-based. If "target" is not found, then this function returns 0. If either "source" or "target" are missing / empty, this function also returns 0. This function should be safe for UTF-8 strings. ]] function str.find( frame ) local new_args = str._getParameters( frame.args, {'source', 'target', 'start', 'plain' } ) local source_str = new_args['source'] or '' local pattern = new_args['target'] or '' local start_pos = tonumber(new_args['start']) or 1 local plain = new_args['plain'] or true if source_str == '' or pattern == '' then return 0 end plain = str._getBoolean( plain ) local start = mw.ustring.find( source_str, pattern, start_pos, plain ) if start == nil then start = 0 end return start end --[[ replace This function allows one to replace a target string or pattern within another string. Usage: {{#invoke:String|replace|source_str|pattern_string|replace_string|replacement_count|plain_flag}} OR {{#invoke:String|replace|source=source_string|pattern=pattern_string|replace=replace_string| count=replacement_count|plain=plain_flag}} Parameters source: The string to search pattern: The string or pattern to find within source replace: The replacement text count: The number of occurences to replace, defaults to all. plain: Boolean flag indicating that pattern should be understood as plain text and not as a Lua style regular expression, defaults to true ]] function str.replace( frame ) local new_args = str._getParameters( frame.args, {'source', 'pattern', 'replace', 'count', 'plain' } ) local source_str = new_args['source'] or '' local pattern = new_args['pattern'] or '' local replace = new_args['replace'] or '' local count = tonumber( new_args['count'] ) local plain = new_args['plain'] or true if source_str == '' or pattern == '' then return source_str end plain = str._getBoolean( plain ) if plain then pattern = str._escapePattern( pattern ) replace = mw.ustring.gsub( replace, "%%", "%%%%" ) --Only need to escape replacement sequences. end local result if count ~= nil then result = mw.ustring.gsub( source_str, pattern, replace, count ) else result = mw.ustring.gsub( source_str, pattern, replace ) end return result end --[[ simple function to pipe string.rep to templates. ]] function str.rep( frame ) local repetitions = tonumber( frame.args[2] ) if not repetitions then return str._error( 'function rep expects a number as second parameter, received "' .. ( frame.args[2] or '' ) .. '"' ) end return string.rep( frame.args[1] or '', repetitions ) end --[[ escapePattern This function escapes special characters from a Lua string pattern. See [1] for details on how patterns work. [1] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Scribunto/Lua_reference_manual#Patterns Usage: {{#invoke:String|escapePattern|pattern_string}} Parameters pattern_string: The pattern string to escape. ]] function str.escapePattern( frame ) local pattern_str = frame.args[1] if not pattern_str then return str._error( 'No pattern string specified' ) end local result = str._escapePattern( pattern_str ) return result end --[[ count This function counts the number of occurrences of one string in another. ]] function str.count(frame) local args = str._getParameters(frame.args, {'source', 'pattern', 'plain'}) local source = args.source or '' local pattern = args.pattern or '' local plain = str._getBoolean(args.plain or true) if plain then pattern = str._escapePattern(pattern) end local _, count = mw.ustring.gsub(source, pattern, '') return count end --[[ endswith This function determines whether a string ends with another string. ]] function str.endswith(frame) local args = str._getParameters(frame.args, {'source', 'pattern'}) local source = args.source or '' local pattern = args.pattern or '' if pattern == '' then -- All strings end with the empty string. return "yes" end if mw.ustring.sub(source, -mw.ustring.len(pattern), -1) == pattern then return "yes" else return "" end end --[[ join Join all non empty arguments together; the first argument is the separator. Usage: {{#invoke:String|join|sep|one|two|three}} ]] function str.join(frame) local args = {} local sep for _, v in ipairs( frame.args ) do if sep then if v ~= '' then table.insert(args, v) end else sep = v end end return table.concat( args, sep or '' ) end --[[ Helper function that populates the argument list given that user may need to use a mix of named and unnamed parameters. This is relevant because named parameters are not identical to unnamed parameters due to string trimming, and when dealing with strings we sometimes want to either preserve or remove that whitespace depending on the application. ]] function str._getParameters( frame_args, arg_list ) local new_args = {} local index = 1 local value for _, arg in ipairs( arg_list ) do value = frame_args[arg] if value == nil then value = frame_args[index] index = index + 1 end new_args[arg] = value end return new_args end --[[ Helper function to handle error messages. ]] function str._error( error_str ) local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame() local error_category = frame.args.error_category or 'モジュールStringのエラー' local ignore_errors = frame.args.ignore_errors or false local no_category = frame.args.no_category or false if str._getBoolean(ignore_errors) then return '' end local error_str = '<strong class="error">モジュールStringのエラー: ' .. error_str .. '</strong>' if error_category ~= '' and not str._getBoolean( no_category ) then error_str = '[[Category:' .. error_category .. ']]' .. error_str end return error_str end --[[ Helper Function to interpret boolean strings ]] function str._getBoolean( boolean_str ) local boolean_value if type( boolean_str ) == 'string' then boolean_str = boolean_str:lower() if boolean_str == 'false' or boolean_str == 'no' or boolean_str == '0' or boolean_str == '' then boolean_value = false else boolean_value = true end elseif type( boolean_str ) == 'boolean' then boolean_value = boolean_str else error( 'No boolean value found' ) end return boolean_value end --[[ Helper function that escapes all pattern characters so that they will be treated as plain text. ]] function str._escapePattern( pattern_str ) return mw.ustring.gsub( pattern_str, "([%(%)%.%%%+%-%*%?%[%^%$%]])", "%%%1" ) end return str