このLuaモジュールは440,000以上のページで使われています。 余計な混乱やサーバーへの負荷を避けるために、どんな変更でも最初はモジュールのサンドボックス・サブページ、テストケース・サブページで試すべきです。そうすれば、試した変更を1度の編集でこのモジュールに加えることができます。しかし、最初にあなたの提案した変更を、この項目のノートで議論するようにお願いします。 |
このモジュールは保護されています。このモジュールは非常に多くのページで使用されています。荒らしまたは過失によって多くのページが影響を受け、また些細な編集でもサーバーに多大な負荷をかけるため、編集保護されています。 |
local p = {} --[[ Template:Tnavbar ]] function p.tnavbar(frame) local r = mw.html.create() --出力用 local args = frame.args if not args[1] then return ' ' end local function tf(x) return x == '1' and true or false end args.plain = tf(args.plain) args.div = tf(args.div) args.nodiv = tf(args.nodiv) args.mini = tf(args.mini) args.viewplain = tf(args.viewplain) args.fontstyle = args.fontcolor ~= '' and ((args.fontstyle or '') .. ';color:' .. args.fontcolor .. ';') or args.fontstyle or '' local divTag = r:tag('div') :addClass('noprint') :addClass('plainlinks') :addClass('navbar') :addClass('hlist') :css('white-space', 'nowrap') :css('font-size', '60%') :css('font-weight', 'normal') if args.nodiv then divTag:css('display', 'inline') :css('padding', '0 0.5em') else divTag:css('background-color', 'transparent') :css('padding', '0') :css('color', '#000') end divTag:cssText(args.fontstyle) :cssText(args.style) if not (args.plain or args.mini or args.viewplain) then divTag:tag('span') :css('font-size', '125%') :node('このテンプレートを: ') end local disp = args.mini and {'表', '話', '編', '歴'} or {'表示', 'ノート', '編集', '履歴'} local ns = {'Template:', 'Template‐ノート:', 'Template:', 'Template:'} local query = {nil, nil, 'action=edit', 'action=history'} local title = {'このテンプレートを表示します', 'このテンプレートのノートを表示します', 'このテンプレートを編集します。保存の前にプレビューを忘れずに。', 'このテンプレートの過去の版を表示します'} local color = {'', 'color:#002bb8;', 'color:#002bb8;', 'color:#002bb8;'} local i = 0 local i_end = args.viewplain and 1 or 4 local ulTag = divTag:tag('ul') :css('display', 'inline') for i = 1, i_end do local liTag = ulTag:tag('li') local l = {open = '', link = '', close = ''} if query[i] then l.open = '[' l.link = tostring(mw.uri.canonicalUrl(ns[i] .. args[1], query[i])) .. ' ' l.close = ']' else l.open = '[[' l.link = ns[i] .. args[1] .. '|' l.close = ']]' end liTag:wikitext(l.open .. l.link) :tag('span') :attr('title', title[i]) :css('font-size', '125%') :cssText(color[i]) :cssText(args.fontstyle) :node(disp[i]) :done() :wikitext(l.close) end return tostring(r) end --[[ Define Arguments ]] local getArgs local args = {} local border local child, none = false, false local rowspan = 0 local basestyle = '' local odd, even = 'odd', 'even' local list, liststyle = {}, {} local group, groupstyle = {}, {} local colheader, colheadercolspan, colheaderstyle = {}, {}, {} local col, colstyle, colwidth = {}, {}, {} local colfooter, colfootercolspan, colfooterstyle = {}, {}, {} local abbr, state = {}, {} local sect, section = {}, {} local secttitlestyle = {} local content, contentstyle = {} local image, imageleft = {}, {} local function defArgs(frame) if not getArgs then getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs end args = getArgs(frame, {parentOnly = true}) border = args.border or args[1] child, none = (border == 'subgroup' or border == 'child'), (border == 'none') collapsible = (args.state == 'plain' or args.state == 'off') and '' or 'mw-collapsible ' if args.basestyle then basestyle = args.basestyle .. ';' end local sortable_mt = { __lt = function(a, b) return a.index < b.index end, __concat = function(a, b) local strA = (type(a) == 'table') and a.content or a or '' local strB = (type(b) == 'table') and b.content or b or '' return strA .. strB end } local function sortable_args(tbl, index, content) table.insert(tbl, {index = index, content = content}) setmetatable(tbl[#tbl], sortable_mt) end local switch = { --common list = function(num, v) sortable_args(list, num, '\n' .. v) end, liststyle = function(num, v) liststyle[num] = v end, group = function(num, v) group[num] = v end, groupstyle = function(num, v) groupstyle[num] = v end, --for with_columns colheader = function(num,v) colheader[num] = v end, colheadercolspan = function(num,v) colheadercolspan[num] = v end, colheaderstyle = function(num,v) colheaderstyle[num] = v end, col = function(num, v) sortable_args(col, num, '\n' .. v) end, colstyle = function(num,v) colstyle[num] = v end, colwidth = function(num,v) colwidth[num] = v end, colfooter = function(num,v) colfooter[num] = v end, colfootercolspan = function(num,v) colfootercolspan[num] = v end, colfooterstyle = function(num,v) colfooterstyle[num] = v end, --for with_collapsible_groups abbr = function(num, v) abbr[num] = v end, state = function(num, v) state[num] = v end, sect = function(num, v) group[num] = v end, section = function(num, v) group[num] = v end, secttitlestyle = function(num, v) groupstyle[num] = v end, content = function(num, v) sortable_args(content, num, '\n' .. v) end, contentstyle = function(num, v) liststyle[num] = v end, image = function(num, v) image[num] = v end, imageleft = function(num, v) imageleft[num] = v end, } for k, v in pairs(args) do local str1, num, str2 = string.match(k, '(%D+)(%d+)(%D*)') str1, num, str2 = str1 or '', tonumber(num), str2 or '' if switch[str1 .. str2] and num then switch[str1 .. str2](num, v) end end table.sort(list) rowspan = #list end --[[ top ]] local function top(baseTag) local nav local bodyTable if baseTag == nil or baseTag == '' then baseTag = mw.html.create() end if child then baseTag:wikitext('</div>') nav = baseTag elseif not none then nav = baseTag:tag('div') :addClass('navbox') :addClass(args.navboxclass) :css('border-collapse', 'collapse') :cssText(args.bodystyle) :cssText(args.style) :css('padding', '3px') if args.title or args.above then nav:attr('aria-labelledby', mw.uri.anchorEncode(args.title or args.above)) else nav:attr('aria-label', 'Navbox') end else nav = baseTag end bodyTable = nav:tag('table') :addClass('nowraplinks') :addClass(args.bodyclass) if args.title and (args.state ~= 'plain' and args.state ~= 'off') then if args.state == 'collapsed' then args.state = 'mw-collapsed' end bodyTable :addClass('mw-collapsible') :addClass(args.state or 'autocollapse') end if child or border == 'none' then bodyTable :addClass('navbox-subgroup') :cssText(args.bodystyle) :cssText(args.style) else -- regular navbox - bodystyle and style will be applied to the wrapper table bodyTable :addClass('navbox-inner') :css('background', 'transparent') :css('color', 'inherit') end bodyTable:css('min-width', '100%') :css('border-spacing', '0px') :css('border-collapse', 'separate') :cssText(args.innerstyle) return baseTag, bodyTable end --[[ title and navbar ]] local function title(tbl) if not args.title then return tbl end local titleRow = tbl:tag('tr') if args.titlegroup then titleRow :tag('th') :attr('scope', 'row') :addClass('navbox-group') :addClass(args.titlegroupclass) :cssText(args.basestyle) :cssText(args.groupstyle) :cssText(args.titlegroupstyle) :wikitext(args.titlegroup) end local titleCell = titleRow:tag('th'):attr('scope', 'col') if args.titlegroup then titleCell :css('width', '100%') end local titleColspan = 2 if args.imageleft then titleColspan = titleColspan + 1 end if args.image then titleColspan = titleColspan + 1 end if args.titlegroup then titleColspan = titleColspan - 1 end titleCell :cssText(args.basestyle) :cssText(args.titlestyle) :addClass('navbox-title') :attr('colspan', titleColspan) if (args.navbar == 'plain') or (not args.name and (child or none)) then titleCell :tag('div') :css('float', 'left') :css('width', '6em') :node(' ') elseif args.navbar ~= 'off' then local tbl = {args = {args.name, mini = '1', fontstyle = basestyle .. (args.titlestyle or '') .. ';border:none;', fontcolor = ''}} titleCell :tag('div') :css('float', 'left') :css('width', '6em') :css('text-align', 'left') :node(p.tnavbar(tbl)) end if child or border == 'none' then titleCell :tag('div') :attr('id', mw.uri.anchorEncode(args.title)) :addClass(args.titleclass) :css('font-size', '100%') :css('margin', '0 6em') :node(args.title) else titleCell :tag('div') :attr('id', mw.uri.anchorEncode(args.title)) :addClass(args.titleclass) :css('font-size', '110%') :css('margin', '0 6em') :node(args.title) end return tbl end local function getAboveBelowColspan() local ret = 2 if args.imageleft then ret = ret + 1 end if args.image then ret = ret + 1 end return ret end --[[ above ]] local function above(tbl) if not args.above then return tbl end tbl:tag('tr') :tag('td') :addClass('navbox-abovebelow') :addClass(args.aboveclass) :cssText(args.basestyle) :cssText(args.abovestyle) :attr('colspan', getAboveBelowColspan()) :newline() :node(args.above) return tbl end --[[ body ]] --first group/list and images local function body1(tbl) local row = tbl:tag('tr') if args.imageleft then row :tag('td') :addClass('navbox-image') :addClass(args.imageclass) :css('width', '1px') :css('padding', '0px 2px 0px 0px') :cssText(args.imageleftstyle) :attr('rowspan', rowspan) :tag('div') :node(args.imageleft) end local j = list[1].index if group[j] then local groupCell = row:tag('th') groupCell :attr('scope', 'row') :addClass('navbox-group') :addClass(args.groupclass) :cssText(args.basestyle) :css('width', args.groupwidth or '1%') groupCell :cssText(args.groupstyle) :cssText(groupstyle[j]) :wikitext(group[j]) end local listCell = row:tag('td') if group[j] then listCell :css('text-align', 'left') :css('border-left-width', '2px') :css('border-left-style', 'solid') else listCell:attr('colspan', 2) end if not args.groupwidth then listCell:css('width', '100%') end local rowstyle if odd == 'odd' then rowstyle = args.oddstyle else rowstyle = args.evenstyle end listCell :css('padding', '0px') :cssText(args.liststyle) :cssText(rowstyle) :cssText(liststyle[j]) :addClass('navbox-list') :addClass('navbox-' .. (args.evenodd == 'swap' and even or args.evenodd or odd)) :addClass(args.listclass) :tag('div') :css('padding', (args.list1padding or args.listpadding or '0em 0.25em')) :node(list[1].content) :newline() if args.image then row :tag('td') :addClass('navbox-image') :addClass(args.imageclass) :css('width', '1px') :css('padding', '0px 0px 0px 2px') :cssText(args.imagestyle) :attr('rowspan', rowspan) :tag('div') :node(args.image) end return tbl end --remaining groups/lists local function body2(tbl) for i = 2, #list do odd, even = even, odd local j = list[i].index local row = tbl:tag('tr') if group[j] then local groupCell = row:tag('th') groupCell :attr('scope', 'row') :addClass('navbox-group') :addClass(args.groupclass) :cssText(args.basestyle) :css('width', args.groupwidth or '1%') groupCell :cssText(args.groupstyle) :cssText(groupstyle[j]) :node(group[j]) end local listCell = row:tag('td') if group[j] then listCell :css('text-align', 'left') :css('border-left-width', '2px') :css('border-left-style', 'solid') else listCell:attr('colspan', 2) end if not args.groupwidth then listCell:css('width', '100%') end local rowstyle if odd == 'odd' then rowstyle = args.oddstyle else rowstyle = args.evenstyle end listCell :css('padding', '0px') :cssText(args.liststyle) :cssText(rowstyle) :cssText(liststyle[j]) :addClass('navbox-list') :addClass('navbox-' .. (args.evenodd == 'swap' and even or args.evenodd or odd)) :addClass(args.listclass) :tag('div') :css('padding', (args.listpadding or '0em 0.25em')) :node(list[i].content) :newline() end return tbl end --[[ below ]] local function below(tbl) if not args.below then return tbl end tbl:tag('tr') :tag('td') :addClass('navbox-abovebelow') :addClass(args.belowclass) :cssText(args.basestyle) :cssText(args.belowstyle) :attr('colspan', getAboveBelowColspan()) :newline() :node(args.below) return tbl end --[[ Template:Navbox ]] function p.navbox(frame) defArgs(frame) local res local firstTableTag res, firstTableTag = top() firstTableTag = title(firstTableTag) firstTableTag = above(firstTableTag) if list[1] then firstTableTag = body1(firstTableTag) end firstTableTag = body2(firstTableTag) firstTableTag = below(firstTableTag) if child then res:wikitext('<div>') end return tostring(res) end --[[ Template:Navbox subgroup ]] function p.subgroup(frame) defArgs(frame) if not border then child = true end args.groupstyle = 'padding:' .. (args.grouppadding or '0 0.75em') .. ';' .. (args.groupstyle or '') local res local firstTableTag res, firstTableTag = top() firstTableTag = title(firstTableTag) firstTableTag = above(firstTableTag) if list[1] then firstTableTag = body1(firstTableTag) end firstTableTag = body2(firstTableTag) firstTableTag = below(firstTableTag) if not border then res:wikitext('<div>') end return tostring(res) end --[[ Template:Navbox with columns ]] function p.with_columns(frame) defArgs(frame) table.sort(col) local res local firstTableTag res, firstTableTag = top() firstTableTag = title(firstTableTag) firstTableTag = above(firstTableTag) if col[1] then local j = col[1].index local cols = mw.html.create('table') :addClass('navbox-columns-table') :css('border-spacing', '0px') :css('border-collapse', 'separate') :css('text-align', 'left') :cssText((colheader[j] or args.fullwidth) and 'width:100%;' or 'margin:0 auto;') :cssText(args.coltablestyle) --Header row if colheader[j] then local headerRow = cols:tag('tr') :addClass('navbox-abovebelow') :css('font-weight', 'bold') :cssText(args.colheaderstyle) for i = 1, #col do local j = col[i].index if colheader[j] then headerRow:tag('td') :attr('colspan', colheadercolspan[j] or '1') :cssText(colheaderstyle[j]) :node(colheader[j]) end end end --Main columns local row = cols:tag('tr') :css('vertical-align', 'top') :cssText(args.colstyle) if not (colheader[j] or colfooter[j] or args.fullwidth) then local paddingoff = args.padding and string.find(args.padding, '^0[ep]?[mx]?%?;?') if not paddingoff then row:tag('td') :css('width', args.padding or '5em') :wikitext(' ') end end for i = 1, #col do local j = col[i].index row:tag('td') :css('padding', '0') :cssText(args.oddcolstyle) :cssText(colstyle[j]) :css('width', colwidth[j] or args.colwidth or '10em') :node(col[i].content) args.oddcolstyle, args.evencolstyle = args.evencolstyle, args.oddcolstyle end --Footer row if colfooter[j] then row = cols:tag('tr') :addClass('navbox-abovebelow') :css('font-weight', 'bold') :cssText(args.colfooterstyle) for i = 1, #col do local j = col[i].index if colfooter[j] then row:tag('td') :attr('colspan', colfootercolspan[j] or '1') :cssText(colfooterstyle[j]) :node(colfooter[j]) end end end cols = mw.html.create():wikitext('</div>'):wikitext(tostring(cols)):wikitext('<div>') table.insert(list, {index=1, content=cols}) rowspan = rowspan + 1 end firstTableTag = body1(firstTableTag) firstTableTag = body2(firstTableTag) firstTableTag = below(firstTableTag) return tostring(res) end --[[ Template:Navbox with collapsible groups ]] function p.with_collapsible_groups(frame) local res local firstTableTag defArgs(frame) table.sort(content) res, firstTableTag = top() firstTableTag = title(firstTableTag) firstTableTag = above(firstTableTag) local i = 1 local function funcList(rowTag) list[i] = list[i] or content[i] local j = list[i].index args.state = state[j] or args.selected and (args.selected == abbr[j] or args.selected == group[j]) and '' or 'mw-collapsed' args.name = nil args.titlestyle = basestyle .. (args.groupstyle or '') .. ';' .. (args.secttitlestyle or '') .. ';' .. (groupstyle[j] or '') args.liststyle = (args.liststyle or '') .. ';' .. (args.contentstyle or '') .. ';' .. (liststyle[j] or '') args.title, group[j] = group[j], nil args.image = image[j] args.imageleft = imageleft[j] rowspan = 1 local baseTag = rowTag:tag('td') :cssText(args.groupwidth and '' or 'width:100%;') :css('padding', '0px') :cssText(args.liststyle) :cssText(odd == 'odd' and (args.oddstyle or '') or (args.evenstyle or '')) :cssText(liststyle[j]) :addClass('navbox-list') :addClass('navbox-' .. (args.evenodd == 'swap' and even or args.evenodd or odd)) :addClass(args.listclass) :tag('div') if args.title then local tableTag none = true baseTag, tableTag = top(baseTag) tableTag = title(tableTag) tableTag = body1(tableTag) if child then baseTag:wikitext('<div>') end else baseTag:node(list[i].content) end end --i = 1 local row = firstTableTag:tag('tr') if args.imageleft then row:tag('td') :addClass('navbox-image') :addClass(args.imageclass) :css('width', '0') :css('padding', '0 2px 0 0') :cssText(args.imageleftstyle) :attr('rowspan', rowspan) :node(args.imageleft) end funcList(row) if args.image then row:tag('td') :css('width', '0%') :css('padding', '0 0 0 2px') :cssText(args.imagestyle) :attr('rowspan', rowspan) :node(args.image) end --i > 2 for i = 2, #list do row = firstTableTag:tag('tr') list[1] = list[i] funcList(row) end firstTableTag = below(firstTableTag) if child then res:wikitext('<div>') end child, none = (border == 'subgroup' or border == 'child'), (border == 'none') --再定義 return tostring(res) end --[[ Template:NavboxYears Template:NavboxYears2 ]] local function calc_years(args, fmtLink) local numtab = tonumber(args.tab) or 0 local numstart = tonumber(args.start) local numend = tonumber(args['end']) local numstep = tonumber(args.step) or 1 if numstart and numend then if numtab > 0 then for i = 2, numtab + 1 do args[i] = nil end end local numD = numend - numstart + 1 for i = 1, numD, numstep do args[i + numtab + 1] = numstart + i - 1 end end local res = mw.html.create('table') res :css('width', '100%') :css('border-spacing', '0px') :css('border-collapse', 'separate') :css('text-align', 'center') local h = 1 repeat h = h + 1 local row = res:tag('tr') for i = 2, 11 do local tdTag = row:tag('td') :css('width', '10%') if (tonumber(args[i]) or -1) > 0 then tdTag:wikitext('[[' .. fmtLink(args[1], args[i]) .. '|' .. args[i] .. ']]') else tdTag:wikitext(args[i]) end args[i], args[i + 10] = args[i + 10], args[i + h * 10] end until not args[2] return tostring(res) end local function years(frame, fmtLink) defArgs(frame) if args.var then fmtLink = function(str, num) return str:gsub(args.var, num) end end if args.name then args.style = 'width:' .. (args.width or '38em') .. ';' .. (args.style or '') local res local firstTableTag res, firstTableTag = top() if args.title then firstTableTag = title(firstTableTag) end if args.above then firstTableTag = above(firstTableTag) end if not list[1] and args[1] then list[1] = {index = 1, content = calc_years(args, fmtLink)} end if list[1] then firstTableTag = body1(firstTableTag) end firstTableTag = body2(firstTableTag) if args.below then firstTableTag = below(firstTableTag) end return tostring(res) else return calc_years(args, fmtLink) end end function p.years(frame) local fmtLink = function(str, num) return str .. num end return years(frame, fmtLink) end function p.years2(frame) local fmtLink = function(str, num) return num .. str end return years(frame, fmtLink) end return p