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 h English (en)<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">where’s my Kazetarians at ?? 💚</p>&mdash; 藤井 風 (@FujiiKaze) <htmltag tagname="a" href="">October 19, 2022</htmltag></blockquote>
It is said that the origin is because "Fujii Kaze" is considered to be a lifestyle.<ref name="lifestyle">{{Cite web |url= |title=cos loving Kaze is a lifestyle for us ☺️|accessdate=2022年10月20日 |publisher=kazemp3}}<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">yes!! we recently came up with it in our chat because we think it&#39;s a cute and catchy fandom name that fits with Kaze, cos loving Kaze is a lifestyle for us ☺️ we hope Kaze can find out about it one day 🤭</p>&mdash; iris (@kazemp3) <htmltag tagname="a" href="">October 18, 2022</htmltag></blockquote></ref>。